Mirielle Archange Gordon

Enduring multiple divorces, Mirielle Archange Gordon witnessed damage firsthand (and at a distance) of what divorce and broken family structures can do to families, communities, and future generations. The brokenness of divorce serves as a motivating factor for her desire to offer a vaccine to help the body of Christ fight a great and overlooked pandemic – divorce.

Mirielle recently earned a certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is enrolled in Liberty University pursuing a major in Psychology - Christian Family Counseling.

“I hope to be among a great body of believers called by God,” Mirielle proclaims, “to rebuild and/or build strong families, communities, and future generation by restructuring the Church view on marriage.”

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About the Author

Mirielle Archange Gordon was born in 1980 in Port-au-Prince Haiti. She migrated to the great country of the United States of America in 1985. Mirielle was born out of wedlock to parents who believed in God and made sure she and her four brothers attended church regularly. However, although the family believed in God, Mirielle was never taught to serve God. Growing up, Mirielle was a witness to marriages destroyed by affairs, selfishness, financial abuse, physical and emotional abuse. Later in life her mother confessed to a curse placed in their bloodline:

“No woman in the family will remain married. Those who do stay married will live separate lives. Only God will ever break the curse.”

At the age of thirteen, Mirielle gave her life to Jesus Christ in a small local Pentecostal Church, that was made up of over 75% women and children. Here she learned to serve God. One year later, at the age of fourteen, Mirielle was baptized.

The author founded an online support group for women entitled My Sisters Keepers. She recently opened a support group for wives, entitled Wives Waiting Room for women going through hardships in their marriage. The mother of five children (four living): Christina, Patrick, Abigail, and Malachi currently reside in Georgia where she has been a registered nurse for more than 15 years.

Mirielle attends a mega church in Georgia where she serves in the medical ministry, praise, and worship ministry. She also serves remotely as a welcoming team member at a well-known international church in Florida.

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